Sunday, December 18, 2011


I teach for a lot of reasons. I love kids, but also, I love to watch kids learn new things and make connections, and I love being a facilitator of that process.

It's a lot of work and I don't always feel like I'm cut out for it. I get anxious and frustrated when I am unsure of the job that I am doing. That usually leads to me thinking of the others jobs that maybe I should have chosen as careers.

As my students trickled into class the other day, I was running around setting out various supplies that we would need throughout the day. I was feeling stressed and needing affirmation that I'm actually good at what I do.

At that moment, I feel a student hugging my leg. "Good morning, Camille. Please unpack and start your morning work," I said, not looking up from my preparations.

"Mrs. Shepherd, I love you more than rainbows," was her reply.

'Yep,' I thought to myself. I'm right where I need to be.

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