Saturday, February 11, 2012

Baking with Zooey

The weather was actually cold this weekend, so it was a perfect time to make cookies! My friend, Laurie- an awesome cook, made me so happy awhile back when she posted her cookie recipe, so Zooey and I decided to try it out.
With not a lot of counter space and Zooey wanting to be in the middle of the action, we mixed our cookies on the floor.
Zooey's stirring was a bit flingy.

Zooey sneaking raisins from the batter. Stir a little...snack a lot.
Yummy success!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Even though I miss a really cold snowy day, a Florida winter has a few perks. There are tons of awesome, blue sky, sunny, warmish days that are perfect for picnics and hikes, as evidenced below: