I’ve totally been MIA for the past few weeks as so much has been going on. For starters, I began a new job and am officially back in the classroom teaching(where I belong). Due to some changes in my research job, I was on a serious job hunt and scored a 1st grade position at a wonderful school in town. Not long after being hired that 1st grade position became a Kindergarten/1st grade combination class, which is a little trickier, but still proving to be a lot of fun(and work). I totally forgot how much work goes into teaching. Needless to say, the first two weeks of school have been exciting and exhausting, but still affirming.
Secondly, we moved into a cute little rental house around the corner from where we were living – the weekend before I started the above mentioned new job – might I add. It was a bit impulsive, but increasingly worth it. We passed our new home while out for a morning stroll and about three weeks later were moving in. It was the huge East facing window in the living room that did it for me and built in bookcases that did it for Josh (who needed more convincing when the projected budget was done.)
Zooey is loving his new space to roam, looking out all the windows! and his very own bedroom. It was his momma, actually, who had a harder time with him liking his own bedroom.
With the new house comes Zooey’s first steps! Momma and Daddy are experiencing a new feeling of joy when this little man pulls himself upright and with a huge smile and giggles as he timidly steps/runs into our arms. It’s my new favorite thing.
And then there’s the trip to the Emergency room that we are still somewhat recovering from. Zooey had a terrible bout with croup Thursday night, which resulted in two breathing treatments, steroids and a near admittance into the hospital. After sitting up in a very uncomfortable and freezing room from 1:30am -7:30am the doctor reluctantly sent us home under strict orders to watch an listen for any change in his breathing, in which, we were to come straight back. Have you ever heard of “resting strider”? It apparently is a hardcore type of croup that Zooey had that has the power to make a confident doctor listen several times to a baby’s breathing and even then scratch his head a bit before making his decision. He’s is better now, but I never ever want to hear that barking cough or sucking wind sound come from my child again.
So now that we’ve had an extremely eventful month, I’m hoping for a quieter settling in at our new home (if I can get some of these boxes out of the way) and a welcoming of fall – my favorite. Which in Florida has to begin in my mind as I stare out the window, hopefully knitting, and imagine cooler temperature – that in reality won’t be here until November.
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