I wanted (finally) share some pictures of a family adventure to the mountains in Colorado that we took two months ago. I know, I know, I'm a terrible blogger. Our trip was to Fort Collins, CO and then on to Seattle, but along the way we took a detour.
Josh and I ache for the mountains. When we decided to take a trip to CO, I immediately starting devising plans that involved sleeping as close to outside as we could without freezing the baby. So, we rented a yurt. A what? you say. A yurt is a tent like structure with thicker walls. Ours was complete with a bed, couch, wood burning stove and an outhouse nearby. That's right - no electricity - or were you gasping at the mention of an outhouse? I said it was an adventure.
Although he had the perfect bear suit, thanks to hand-me-downs from friends, Zooey was not too excited about making a snow angel.
With no electricity comes a pretty early bedtime, resulting in a certain tiny person waking up with the sun. We took a morning tromp through the snow at about 6 am.
If there was a perfume called "Wood Burning Stove" for women - I might consider it. Or maybe just the air freshener. It's such a cozy smell. There should be at least an aromatherapy candle out there called, "Cozy" or "Snuggle" or "Pajama Pants" or "Put Another Log on the Fire". (That last one is really for my family, who will know what song to began singing.)
We hiked, talked, snuggled, enjoyed the quiet of literally being in the middle of nowhere, made terrible tasting coffee in a percolator, froze our buns off in the outhouse and melted snow to wash our dishes.
It was perfect. A sweet reminder of all that the mountains have to offer. It was just what we wanted.